Starting your running journey on the right foot
If winter has had you hibernating and you’re thinking about embarking on running as your primary form of fitness, we have some useful tips to ensure you do so safely: Ease into running to prevent injury Think about using a ‘couch to 5km’ running plan to safely guide your training from the starting blocks to decent distances.
If winter has had you hibernating and you’re thinking about embarking on running as your primary form of fitness, we have some useful tips to ensure you do so safely:
Ease into running to prevent injury
- Think about using a ‘couch to 5km’ running plan to safely guide your training from the starting blocks to decent distances.
- Begin with intervals of walking and running until you have the endurance and strength to run longer distances.
- A good rule of thumb is to increase your distance by five to ten percent per week.
Lower body and core strength lets you run safely and efficiently
- Your physio can help you to build a strengthening programme to do two to three times a week so you can build and maintain the strength you need to run.
- Pilates and yoga are excellent for core strength and can be part of this programme.
- There are plenty of apps and online classes for home workouts, which mean you don’t have to be a gym member or have equipment at home. Well controlled and functional bodyweight exercises will do the trick.
Injury prevention
- Cross training, alternating cycling and swimming reduces the load on your joints and muscles to prevent injuries.
- Rest days give you recovery time between training sessions which are beneficial.
Your Physio is here to help. We can:
- Get you started with a programme that incorporates cross training and appropriate progressions in running distances.
- Provide a strengthening programme to target key muscle groups to help you run efficiently and safely.
- Help with your running technique and make subtle adjustments to reduce the risk of injury.
- Point you in the right direction for personalised footwear advice.
- Offer sports massages to help with recovery and any niggles that you pick up along the way.
To find out how we can support you in your training, please make an appointment with one of our experienced physios today.